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Regular Mobile Patrols

Reliable Mobile Patrols to protect your Assets

Champion CCTV Services Ltd can offer regular mobile patrols either day or night for the client.

This service consists of a SIA licensed Patrol Officer visiting the clients site on a regular basis the amount of patrols is at the discretion of the client.

When the Patrol Officer visits the site they will access the development and conduct a patrol of the site area.

The Patrol Officer will check for any signs of a break-in, via either the perimeter fencing or the main gate area along with inspecting the site cabins and secure lock-up units.

If a break-in has occurred the Police will be contacted. The Patrol Officer will compile a report of the incident detailing the time of discovery and damage incurred along with any crime reference numbers given. 

If cabins, units, buildings are in a vulnerable unsecure state a decision will be made to place an Emergency Guard on the site until the client returns in the morning.

Regular Mobile Patrols

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