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Alarm Response, Key Holding & Response Mobile Patrol

Professional Alarm Monitoring and Response

Champion CCTV Services Ltd is a professional security company that offers a nationwide range of security services.

We can install and monitor intruder and fire alarms for your business or home. If your alarm is triggered, it will be sent to our 24/7 monitoring station. Our trained operators will then assess the situation and take the appropriate action, such as contacting the police, fire brigade, or key holder.

Champion CCTV Services Ltd can also act as your key holder. This means that we will have a copy of your keys and can access your property if an alarm is triggered or if you need us to check on your property while you are away.

If Champion is contacted via the monitoring station, we will send out a response mobile patrol as soon as possible. Our patrols are equipped with state-of-the-art security equipment and are trained to deal with a variety of security incidents.

Alarm Response

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