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Motion Detector MiniPod

A Battery-Powered, Wireless Security Deterrent

Champion CCTV Services Ltd can offer the security deterrent of Motion Detector MiniPods. The MiniPods can easily be deployed on the site in any position required and can be repositioned when needed. No power is required with the MiniPod it is completely battery powered with up to 3 years battery life.

The MiniPod has built in 4G camera/sensors with a 30 metre viewing range and infrared day/night capability which can pick up movement immediately. If the camera/sensors are triggered this sends images to the remote monitoring station who arrange for a response patrol to be sent out to site. Also there is a built-in audio alarm deterrent in the MiniPod which is sounded if activated.

The Motion Detector Minipod is a popular choice for businesses and other organisations that need an effective security deterrent.

Motion Detector MiniPod

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